Flipside pit of 100 trials level 15
Flipside pit of 100 trials level 15

The flipping part is also a bit of a pain as your always afraid you should flip cause you might miss something. Also, this one features a main town hub, but unlike Rougeport this one is a bit of a pain to traverse and explore thanks to numerous elevators and such. The game is fun for the most part, but I prefer the turned based battles to the real time action as it took more strategy, it was really no problem to destroy the final boss here. Though my favorite was the one with the nerdy chameleon. You have your basic world, a haunted type house world, a space world and various others. Like the previous installment you are collecting an object, though instead of stars this time it is hearts. The story, Peach and Bowser start the game at their wedding and this wild wedding causes a rip in space that will lead to the destruction of all worlds, the evil doer though is not Bowser, but instead a man named Lord Blech. Bowser was my favorite as he was by far the strongest. You also get the ability to use Bowser, Peach and even Luigi. The fighting is basically like the old Mario games with tougher enemies and for the most part it is a side scroller except for Mario's ability to flip to a 3d screen. The game is still a bit of an rpg, but not so much as Door was. This game was an okay game, not quite up to par with the previous paper mario game.

flipside pit of 100 trials level 15

Gets tedious and repetitive about halfway through. Giant Mario from NSMB returns (though it's equally as brief and pointless) Cons: Cut-scenes take FOREVER! Way, way, waaaaaaay too much dialogue. In the end, it's the endless dialogue that cripples SPM. Honestly nothing in this game impresses and if I didn't have a photographic memory I'd be completely forgetting about it in a week. For 20 hours I stuck with this game and by the bitter end I felt like I could have used that time to do something better. As for the gameplay, 's standard Mario platform stuff with the new addition of flipping to 3D and some unique abilities with the Wii controller. The music is pleasant enough but the trademark Mario theme barely gets a mention. The levels are colorful and bright and look absolutely gorgeous. It's a cute Mario game (as they all are) but I never felt like I was really playing an RPG and the endless dialogue bubbles really slow the game down.

flipside pit of 100 trials level 15 flipside pit of 100 trials level 15

As much as I enjoyed Super Paper Mario, I just wasn't impressed by any part of it.

Flipside pit of 100 trials level 15